Monday, August 07, 2006

My weekend in pictures...

Technically, as today's a holiday, it's still the weekend, but I figured I'd post photos from the last few days anyway.

First up is a nice shot of Gibsons, taken last Thursday afternoon:

As I mentioned on Friday, we were planning on going to the Sunshine Coast Wooden Boat Festival - and so we did. Of course, I didn't get to wear a cute mini-skirt like my avatar sported the other day as we went over on the motorcycle, but that was more than ok. I loved the ride. First we had lunch at the pub, then we headed out onto the dock to see the boats:

What turned out to be really cool, was finding a boat built my Sean's great-uncle back in the 1920s. Here's Sean reading all about the boat:

and here he is posing beside it - as you can see, it needs lots of work, but considering its age....

As always, I had to take scenery shots, especially when I noticed this line of geese swimming along just beyond the dock:

On one of the boats, the owner had a collection of old diving equipment, including this diving bell. Yikes! I'm not sure I'd want to get inside it, but it sure was neat to look at:

We wandered around a little more, looking at the scenery:

and then headed home.

Yesterday we got ready for our bbq dinner with the neighbours. Sean was up early to start the steak marinating in his grandad's famous marinade. By late afternoon all was ready, so I went down to the dock with my mother-in-law to watch the family dog swim. Why? Because Tiva has a new life-jacket and actually loves to swim with it on. She's getting on in years and tires easily, so my m-i-l bought her the Outward Hound flotation device. This way she can swim and we don't have to worry about her so much. Here are a few shots of her playing fetch with a piece of wood:

By the time we got back, the neighbours had arrived, along with their cat Axel, who loves to party with us:

We stayed out late - here's the moon just starting to rise:

Here it is in its full glory, with everyone gathered by the campfire:

And, because no picture post is complete without at least one pic of Chloe or Cleo, here's the little one in the laundry basket, snuggling down on Sean's clean t-shirt:

Today we're catching up with other chores and getting ready for a visit later in the week from my brother-in-law and our niece. My new sister-in-law can't make it till Friday, but the others will be up earlier. Now we just have to hope the lovely weather holds!!

Oh, and yeah, I'll get some writing done too *g*.


Currently Reading: Books for research/review
Link of the Day: Jane Porter - A Writer's Perspective: Attitude is Everything

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