Wednesday, January 11, 2006

More FDin30D

So yesterday I worked on setting and my Research list. Though I was a tad distracted as I found a small lump on Cleo's spine. Sean thinks it's from where they gave her a shot during her surgery last week. He's likely right, but I made the mistake of looking things up on the net and freaking myself out. She's going in Monday to have her sutures out, so we'll talk to the vet then.

Sooo, I made myself calm down and return to my work. I got quite a few of my General Setting Sketches and Character Setting Sketches done. It's a great exercise. I learned some new things about my charcters just by answering the questions on the worksheets. Very cool. Then I moved onto my Research List (I've posted it over at My Research Blog) and got a good start there as well. There's lots to do!

And I may have to move my Research week later in the process, as there's lots we have to get done in the house before we put it up for sale, much of which involves me clearing up the clutter in my office (Sean's cleaned out a couple of trunks for me to store a lot of my stuff in). I'm a packrat.

That's about it for this morning :-) A friend is coming for coffee in about an hour and I have a couple of little chores to complete before she arrives.

Teresa :-)

Currently Reading: Research Stuff
Link of the Day: Hearts Through History chapter of RWA (I'm judging in their contest this year)

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